commercial litigation attorney prescott arizona

Prescott, Arizona Commercial Litigation and Breach of Contract Attorneys

Commercial litigation can affect the business of the most productive and successful companies. At Musgrove Drutz Kack & Gautreaux, PC in Prescott, Arizona, we take on the responsibility of handling the legal issues while you focus on the operation of your business.

Internal Company Disputes

Nothing can affect a company’s operations more than an internal dispute that results in litigation. Partners who enthusiastically entered into a promising business enterprise may now find themselves at odds with each other over percentages of ownership and division of profits. Shareholders may be dissatisfied by the value of their shares or how the business is being run. In those situations, we bring our commercial litigation experience to the table to benefit you and resolve the business dispute. 
Mediation is important in resolving internal company disputes. Business dealings and future interactions must be accounted for as we work towards settling the dispute. At Musgrove Drutz Kack & Gautreaux, PC, we strive to resolve the issues but will not hesitate to litigate your case if that provides us with the best opportunity for resolution

Company to Company Disputes

Business deals between companies can result in serious disputes. Certain services may have been promised but were not delivered. Items needed for production may have been pre-sold, affecting future operations. Franchisee companies may be in a conflict with their franchisor. Businesses also have accused their own insurance companies of engaging in bad faith practices. All those situations can result in complex and lengthy commercial litigation.

Representing Your Company in Commercial Litigation

Whether the commercial litigation comes from within your company or from a competitor, we have the knowledge of business law to help you litigate the legal dispute in court. Our attorneys have aggressively represented business clients at trial and appellate levels. Many times, the future of the company hinges on the result. 

To get more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding commercial litigation, commercial disputes, or breach of contract disputes, please contact us.